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Showing posts from June, 2023

Bloody Lawyers! A rant about lawyers by a lawyer

It’s not often that on a legal recruitment blog about lawyers we rant a lot about lawyers as probably just about everyone reading this is a lawyer, but this is a rant about lawyers and I make no apology for it before starting! Ten Percent Legal Recruitment over the years has offered numerous free services and then instantly regretted offering them, because people always want more than the free service offers, or they view it as a free service and simply don’t bother going ahead.  Free CV Reviews One of the remnants of our free services is our free CV review which, although we no longer advertise, still exists on our website and comes up quite prominently in any searches where somebody types in ‘free legal CV’ or ‘free legal CV review’. Information Published The free legal CV review has a rather large catch with it, which is that if you send us your CV for a free legal CV review we will take your name and contact details off of it and publish it on our website along with our fee...