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Showing posts from January, 2008

Candidate Newsletter - January 2008

Welcome to the January 08 Candidate newsletter from Ten-Percent. Contents: 1. Changes being made to our services 2. Advice on negotiating an annual pay review 3. Increasing your worth to your firm 4. Partnership prospects and how to consider them 5. Setting up your own law firm. 6. £10 gift Amazon voucher for your best/worst interview question Changes to our Services Ten-Percent Legal has undergone a revamp over the last few weeks which includes a new software provider for our back office systems. This will make our job notification service more accurate for you. We will shortly be launching a specialist locum service which will be available online 24-7, and also the Chancery Lane Legal Jobs Site, which will result in more and better opportunities coming our way each month. Our company has expanded rapidly in the last 12 months, and we now have 5 consultants covering the UK plus back office support working away at sourcing jobs and leads. We will be launching a dedicated ...

Lawyers dressing for interview

What to wear for an interview. I have conducted career coaching sessions for a number of years for law students and lawyers, and recently had someone come to see me who wanted to know what they needed to wear for a legal job interview. It almost seemed like the primary reason she had travelled over 200 miles to see me, and I am not sure why this had become such  an issue for her. For interviews, the primary thing is that you look smart, and the dress you wear fits into the office environment you are going for an interview to work in. Eg; traditionally local authority legal departments and legal services commission funded firms do not tend to dress as smartly as magic circle law firms such as Clifford chance. There is a good reason for this – if you are constantly going into police cells for example, and meeting someone who probably hasn’t washed for 3 days, you do not want to be wearing your new suit recently handmade in London by that bloke who advertises in the back of the glossies! ...